Hardy Society

Gordon Hardy, longtime administrator and key supporter of the Aspen Music Festival and School, passed away in early 2013 after a lifetime of service, hard work, giving, and loyalty to the world of music. During his twenty-eight-year administrative tenure with the AMFS, Hardy left a rich legacy. Along with his late wife Lillian, they were dedicated to the music world. In salute to the legacy of the Hardys, the Gordon and Lillian Hardy Planned Giving Society honors those donors who have given us the highest compliment—including our organization in their estate plans.

There are a number of important ways to enter into a planned giving relationship—all of them are invaluable ways to perpetuate annual giving and transform your steadfast support into a permanent contribution to the work of the Aspen Music Festival and School. Whether it be gifts of stock, real esate, or charitable trusts providing lifetime income, a wealth of creative possibilities exists to suit your interests and objectives. If you plan to make our organization a beneficiary of your estate planning, please fill out and return our planned giving form here.

For more information regarding available options for a planned gift to the AMFS, please contact:

Lenor Leeds
Associate Vice President for Advancement

Members of the Gordon and Lillian Hardy Planned Giving Society
We are honored to recognize the following patrons who have generously included the Aspen Music Festival and School in their estate plans through a planned gift. We thank these supporters for their long-term vision.

Estate of John E. Amos
Martha Aarons
Pamela Gross and Charles Anderson
Thomas H. Baer
Susan Beckerman
Dr. Eugene L. Brand
Stephen Brint and Mark Brown
Kay Bucksbaum
NancyBell Coe and William Burke
Helen and Phil Burnett
Jon Busch
Dr. Janet Claman
Noël and Tom Congdon
Evelyn R. David
Sheryl and Michael DeGenring
Lee W. Dorsey
Mrs. Charles B. Edison
Audrey A. Sattler and Donald J. Fleisher
Alan Fletcher and Ron Schiller
Jane and Bill Frazer
Rich Garvin
Mary E. Giese
Barbara and Gary Goldstein
Estate of Loette Goodell
Howard Gottlieb
Christine Grad, M.D.
Estate of Gordon and Lillian Hardy
Shirley and Barnett C. Helzberg, Jr.
Casady M. Henry
Juliane Heyman
Soledad and Robert Hurst
Montae and Richard Johnson
Linda and Eugene Kalnitsky
Jane Kessler
Estate of Bob Klineman
Barbara Koval
Estate of Christine H. Leister
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Leventhal
Estate of Mary Crouch Lilly
Phyllis and Saul Lowitt
Mona Look-Mazza and Anthony Mazza
Estate of Elaine and James McDade
Joyce McGilvray
Lydia Morrongiello
Bert Neirick
Estate of Heinz G. Neumann
Ann and Bill Nitze
Jean and Allen Parelman
Merbie and Tom Payne
Terry Lee and Bill Perich
Lt. Col. and Mrs. R. L. Pickard
Jean Pokress
Noyes W. Rogers
Betty and Lloyd Schermer
Estate of Vera Sears
Eric Simon
Alicia and Alan Sirkin
Freda Gail Stern
Norma and Don Stone
Marcia Strickland
Barb and Bob Sypult
Michael Teschner
Cynthia Weinbrum
Laura Werlin
Kay Whiting

*denotes deceased