Student Handbook

Welcome! This is the official AMFS Student Handbook for Summer 2025. The information included here is designed to help you navigate our student policies and make the most of your experience as a student in Aspen.

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AMFS Student Portal

Click HERE for a link to your AMFS Student Portal.

On this page, you can view your application status, complete payments, submit forms, and find important information about the AMFS. Make sure to save your username and password and be on the lookout for “status update” emails.

Program Dates and School Calendar


  • Full Session:  Wednesday, June 25–Sunday, August 24, 2025 
  • Half Session I:  Wednesday, June 25–Sunday, July 27, 2025
  • Half Session II:  Monday, July 28–Sunday, August 24, 2025


June 25–26 Registration and Housing Check-In Required Full Session | Half Session I
June 26 Welcome Events Optional Full Session | Half Session I
June 27 Student Work Fair Optional Full Session | Half Session I
June 27 Leadership Coaching with Lisa Housseini Required Full Session | Half Session I
June 27 Student Work Fair Optional Full Session | Half Session I
June 27 All-School Orientation Required Full Session | Half Session I
June 27

On-Campus Housing Orientation
Usher Orientation

Required Full Session | Half Session I
June 28-29 In-Person Auditions Required ACA Conductors with Orchestra
Winds, Brass, Percussion, Harp
June 28-29 Welcome to Aspen Sing-In Required Aspen Opera Theater and VocalARTS
June 28-29 Welcome Events Optional Full Session | Half Session I
June 30 Convocation and All-School Luncheon
Program Kick-Off Meetings
Required Full Session | Half Session I
July 1 Rehearsals, Lessons, and Classes Begin
Late Orchestra Auditions
Required Full Session | Half Session I
July 28 Housing Check-Out Required Half Session I
July 28 Registration and Housing Check-In Required Half Session II
July 29 Orientation and Program Kick-Off Required Half Session II
August 24 Final Concert Required Full Session | Half Session II
August 25 Housing Check-Out Required Full Session | Half Session II

Arrival Information

Full Session and Half Session I students in School housing must check into housing on June 25 or June  26. See Housing Check-In and Check-Out Procedures.

All Full Session and Half Session I students must be in Aspen by June 27. The first required events for all Full Session and Half Session I students are Friday, June 27.

All Half Session II students must be in Aspen by July 28. Early check-in to on-campus housing is not available. The first required event for Half Session II is Orientation on July 29.

See Transportation To and Around Aspen and Residence Hall Policies for more information about arriving to Aspen. 

AMFS Policies

The Aspen Music Festival and School’s mission is to be the preeminent summer institution of classical music education, performances, and presentations; to be transformational and inspirational for all involved; and to be innovative and a catalyst for change in the world of music, while drawing on and respecting its great traditions.   

As members of the AMFS community, students are expected to showcase the highest level of professionalism and put their musical education first. This includes representing AMFS well, both on- and off-campus; treating colleagues, artist-faculty, conductors, guest artists, and staff with respect; promoting excellence on- and off-stage; and acting as good citizens. 

The following policies exist to support our values as an educational institution and to cultivate a safe and thriving community of musicians. All members of the AMFS are expected to uphold their agreement to abide by the policies stated in the Student Handbook. The AMFS reserves the right to re-evaluate a student’s place at Aspen if the student’s conduct violates any of the following policies.

Leave of Absence

Students are expected to attend all required events and must be in Aspen for the duration of their session. Please review the AMFS Program Dates and School Calendar for important dates. Short-term absences (typically no more than seven days, inclusive of travel) may be approved for extraordinary cases. Except in the case of family emergency, absences must be requested and approved through the Office of Student Services. If a late arrival is approved, placement and seating auditions may be affected or unavailable. 

Late Arrivals and Auditions

  • Chamber Music:  Students approved for a late arrival prior to the on-time completion of the chamber music application may still be considered for chamber music placement. However, placement in an ensemble is not guaranteed.
  • Orchestra:  Late in-person orchestra auditions are offered on Tuesday, July 1, for programs that require in-person auditions. Students who arrive after this date will be subject to any available seating for the first session and an audition will be granted for second session placement on Tuesday, July 29.
  • Aspen Opera Theater and VocalARTS:  Requests for a late Aspen Opera Theater and VocalARTS introductory performance cannot be accommodated. Missing the Welcome to Aspen Sing-In may take a student out of consideration for certain performance opportunities. Students may still be considered based on their initial AOTVA audition, their submitted repertoire list, and their performance in assignments while they are in Aspen. In the case of a late arrival, the student understands that any missed opportunities cannot be made up or re-created. The administration will take reasonable measures to ensure optimum use of the student's time while in residence at Aspen.  

Early Departure Requests 

Students are expected to remain in Aspen through the final concert, even if they believe their AMFS commitments will be completed prior to that date. Any requests for an early departure must be approved and should be requested at the time of enrollment.

In the event a conflict arises after the student enrolls, they are expected to request an early departure request immediately. Typically, such conflicts are related to the start date of their year-round institution or professional contracts. Note that school start dates will be verified by the Office of Student Services. If approved, early departures will offer only enough time for travel from Aspen to the student’s next commitment.


Students with financial assistance may be subject to a prorated deduction to their award. For instance, a student with a full scholarship or fellowship (tuition + housing) who requests a one-week leave of absence from the eight-week session may be responsible for paying one-eighth of their award back to the AMFS. In this case, that amount would be $1,541. The same scenario applies to someone with a partial scholarship. A student with a scholarship of $3,000 requesting a one-week leave of absence would be responsible for paying $375 back to the AMFS. Subject to the discretion of AMFS.

Late Arrival Fee 

All students are required to attend the All-Student Orientation at the start of their session. Students who miss their required Orientation meeting (as outlined in the School Calendar) will be charged a $100 late arrival fee. 

Attendance Policy

AMFS health care providers will be asked to confirm any illness as a cause of absence from any required activities (orchestra/opera rehearsals, coaching, classes, lessons, etc.) Artist-faculty members are not empowered to excuse students from any assignments or rehearsals. If a student presents a doctor's note for an illness or injury, all parties including opera administrators, orchestra managers, private teachers, chamber coaches, the Schedule Coordinator, Chamber Music Coordinator, and the Office of Student Services will be notified. Continued practice and participation in other musical activities will not be permitted to ensure the student's full recovery.

Large-ensemble rehearsals (opera/orchestra/chamber music) have priority over all other musical activities (private lessons, classes, chamber music coachings, and paid or unpaid performances). As rehearsals and concerts are part of the educational environment and process, the AMFS is unable to provide specific rehearsal times for each work. Any change in rehearsal order will be communicated to ensemble members in advance of the service. Students who are not assigned to all pieces must plan to be in attendance for the entire service.

Attendance will be taken at all rehearsals. Students are expected to be punctual and maintain a professional attitude. Unexcused absences and frequent tardiness will result in disqualification from competition and recital opportunities, and may result in suspension of private lessons, withholding of the security deposit, and/or forfeiture of scholarship. Two unexcused absences may result in expulsion from the AMFS with no refund of fees. Students will not be excused from rehearsals for religious practices.

Participation/Attendance as Related to Performance Injury

Temporary rest from practicing and playing is usually recommended when dealing with a performance-related injury. Physical therapy may be recommended and is available in Aspen with therapists familiar with music performance problems. Students with pre-existing chronic medical problems that could curtail participation in required performance activities should not attend the AMFS. Students who sustain or aggravate an existing performance-related injury while in Aspen must communicate with the Vice President and Dean of Students, who will consult with the student’s private teacher, the AMFS health team, and the student to determine what, if any, musical activities will be permitted. Students unable to resume AMFS activities may be dismissed to tend to their injuries in a focused manner, under their regular medical care.

Residence Hall Policies

Room Keys

A room key will be issued to every resident upon check-in. Students will be required to return this key at check-out. Lost keys should be reported to Residence Life staff immediately. Students must pay for lost key replacements, which may include re-keying the lock, at the time of the incident or it will be deducted from their security deposit.

Lock Outs

If a resident is locked out of their room, the first point of contact should be their suite/roommate(s). If they are unable to help, students should call or visit the Residence Life Office at Marolt Ranch. If the Residence Life Office is closed, students should call the Supervisor on Duty cell.


Laundry facilities are located across from the Residence Life Office at Marolt Ranch and in the main office of Burlingame. Laundry costs include a one-time purchase of $5 laundry card, plus additional costs per wash and dryer load. Marolt machines are cash-only while Burlingame machines are card-only. Laundry cards are not transferable between the two properties. Rates are subject to change.

Quiet Hours

Residence halls are meant to provide an atmosphere conducive to rehearsal and practice. Quiet hours are between 10 pm and 9 am daily. Practicing in residence hall units is not allowed during these hours. Residence halls observe a “Courtesy Policy” at all times, which states that all students have the right not to be disturbed by loud voices, music, or other noises. Additionally, students living at Aspen Highlands Village must close their apartment windows while practicing beginning at 7 pm. This policy is in an effort to mitigate conflict with non-AMFS neighbors.


Visitors are welcome on the AMFS Campus, including at residence halls. Students are responsible for their guests at all times. It is the responsibility of the student to familiarize guests with all AMFS policies, procedures, rules and regulations, as any violation of these expectations is the responsibility of the resident. The presence of a guest must not restrict or infringe upon suite/roommate’s privacy; students should notify suite/roommates prior to guests’ arrival. Guests may not occupy a student’s room when the student is not present; a resident may not give a guest their room key.  

During non-quiet hours, a capacity limit is enforced at each dorm facility if alcohol is present. Dorm capacity is limited to six per unit at Burlingame and Marolt. Aspen Highlands units are limited to three guests beyond the total number of residents. Overnight guests are not permitted in the residence halls.  AMFS reserves the right to deny access to any guest if it is reasonably determined that such person has disturbed or is likely to disturb/disrupt other students residing in residence halls.

Room Changes

Room changes may not occur without the authorization of the Residence Life staff. If a student has a room or roommate issue, they should notify a Residence Life staff member.

Room Entry and Inspection

AMFS recognizes and respects each resident’s desire for privacy, especially within the context of a group-living environment. However, AMFS reserves the right for any Office of Student Services staff to inspect rooms periodically, to ensure the safety of all students on campus.

Room Furnishings

Each student is supplied with a bed and a closet with shelves. In some units, students are supplied with dining tables with chairs, coffee tables, standing lamps, and desks with chairs. These furnishings MUST be in their original location at the time of check-out. Please refer to the What to Bring to Aspen section of the AMFS website for suggested items to bring with you. Items not provided by the AMFS may also be ordered from Amazon or purchased from local thrift stores.

Room Inventory

All residents will be required to complete a Damage Assessment form on their AMFS Student Portal upon check-in. The Damage Assessment asks students to inventory all furniture and note ALL pre-existing damages. This document is for the protection of the student. Charges for repair/replacement which will be deducted from the security deposit if damages or missing keys are not listed on this form.

Solicitation and Business Activity

Residence halls must be used only for study and living purposes and not as sales rooms, offices, service areas, or for storage of merchandise. Soliciting and peddling in the facilities are prohibited.


No student shall perform or permit damage, removal, or unauthorized additions to any furnishings, equipment, or property belonging to the AMFS. Defacing interior or exterior rooms or building walls, floors, ceiling or other structures or surfaces with chalk, marker, paint, pen or other substances that may be construed as vandalism is against AMFS policy. Charges for missing or damaged items will be assessed at replacement cost, including any necessary labor. The individual may be subject to criminal prosecution (i.e., institutional vandalism, criminal mischief). Please keep dorm doors locked.

Cleaning Supplies

Students are required to keep their rooms clean and to clean their room prior to check-out. Cleaning supplies (disinfectant spray, paper towels, scrub brushes, toilet cleaner, vacuums) may be checked out from the Residence Life Office at Marolt Ranch during office hours.


Students are responsible for taking out their own trash. Please throw garbage in the dumpsters located in the parking lot area. Please ensure that the garbage sheds are appropriately locked before you leave. This prevents bears and other critters from getting into the trash. We partner with the City of Aspen’s Environmental Health and Sustainability department in a waste diversion and sustainability program to collect donations at move-out and reduce overall waste.

Maintenance Issues

For repairs at either of the residence halls, report the information to the Residence Life Office or to a member of the Residence Life Staff. The Residence Life staff is responsible for communicating maintenance requests to the property managers and will do so in a timely manner.

Public Areas and Personal Items

Residents should not leave personal items in public areas, as they may obstruct exit routes in an emergency. Any belongings left unattended may be considered trash and discarded. The AMFS is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.


The AMFS believes that a culture of respect, professionalism, and consideration is essential for creating a positive and productive learning and performance environment. AMFS community members are expected to demonstrate these values in their interactions, behavior, and contributions within and outside the institution.


As members of the AMFS community, students are expected to showcase the highest level of professionalism and put their musical education first. This includes representing AMFS well, both on- and off-campus; treating colleagues, artist-faculty, conductors, guest artists, and staff with respect; promoting excellence on- and off-stage; and acting as good citizens.

Students participating in AMFS sponsored events must take note of the following expectations for their engagement.

  • Musicians invited to perform or serve as ambassadors at AMFS sponsored events are expected to represent the Festival in a professional manner, including but not limited to timeliness, politeness, a friendly demeanor, and effective verbal and written communication.
  • In settings where alcohol may be served, students of legal drinking age should never partake in alcohol and/or other controlled substances before attending and/or during an event where they are performing, even if offered by the AMFS or client.
  • Upon completion of a performance, consumption of alcohol is limited to two drinks per student of legal drinking age.
  • It is illegal for a person under 21 years of age to purchase, consume, possess, or transport any alcohol, liquor, malt or brewed beverages containing alcohol. Unprofessional behavior may result in not being paid for an event and/or loss of future performance opportunities through AMFS sponsored events.

The AMFS administration will provide information relating to the following items to student musicians at AMFS sponsored events, including:

  • Transportation expectations
  • Musician responsibilities (arrival time, attire)
  • Food/Beverage information (if provided at any AMFS sponsored or non-AMFS sponsored event)

Private Lesson Policies

Private Lesson Schedules

Weekly private lessons are considered a critical part of a student's educational experience. Full Session and Half Session I students will meet with their private teacher immediately after Convocation to schedule their lessons, unless the artist-faculty member has been directly in touch pre-season. Half Session II students will receive contact information for their private teacher upon arrival in Aspen. The student and artist-faculty member will work together to schedule lessons around ensemble rehearsals and other activities, to ensure a well-rounded experience. Students are expected to be punctual and arrive prepared. AOTVA students should refer to their individual program manual for information about lesson scheduling.

Attendance and Cancellations

Faculty and students are expected to conduct private lessons in person. Virtual teaching should not be used if both the student and artist-faculty member are healthy. Notification for lesson cancellation should occur with at least 24 hours’ notice.  If the student does not meet this requirement and does not have a doctor’s note, the artist-faculty member is not obligated to schedule a make-up lesson. If an artist-faculty member cancels at any time for non-illness-related reasons, the lesson must be made up. If a student or faculty member must cancel due to illness, all efforts should be made to make up the lesson(s) in person, though this cannot be guaranteed. In this case, the student and artist-faculty may agree to attempt virtual lessons knowing that WiFi in the dorms and on campus is not reliable. Refunds will not be given for lessons that have not been taken, regardless of circumstances.

Teacher Changes

Changes to private teacher assignment must be approved in advance by the Vice President and Dean of Students.

Extra Lessons

Extra lessons (in addition to the weekly private lessons included with tuition) should be arranged and paid for directly with the desired teacher.

Days Off

The AMFS promotes personal wellness throughout the summer and offers a multitude of wellness activities organized by the Residence Life Team and the Office of Student Services. AMFS will make every effort to schedule each student at least one day off each week. We recommend taking advantage of wellness programming and the beautiful mountain town of Aspen!

Recording Policy

Recordings at AMFS

The Aspen Music Festival and School is happy to provide professional audio recordings to festival participants. All public events at Harris Concert Hall and the Michael Klein Music Tent will be professionally recorded and made available to students and faculty on a cloud-based listening platform within 24 hours of the end of the performance. These recordings will be available for listening purposes within a browser only; downloads are unavailable and are strictly prohibited.

In agreement with publishers, these recordings are made for internal archival and educational purposes only. Personal recording of any kind is prohibited. The only exception is for concerto competition winners, who will be contacted by the orchestra manager to make proper arrangements for a personal video recording.

The Aspen Music Festival and School uses an online service called Starchive to manage the current season’s audio recording library. Specific instructions for accessing this library will be distributed to festival participants in advance of the first concert of the season.

Release Agreement

Students are expected to conduct themselves with basic standards of honesty and character. Plagiarism, cheating, and dishonesty in AMFS-related matters are prohibited and can result in a student’s dismissal from the AMFS without refunding any portion of the fees paid. The student consents to the creation and distribution of any recording, broadcast, or electronic transmission of any kind, without compensation, made by the AMFS or any AMFS-approved entities while they are a student of the AMFS. The student similarly consents to the use of their likeness in photographs, video, or any visual media with influential members and organizations of the arts and education community in the effort to facilitate significant arts and academic opportunities.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

The following policies will be strictly enforced. The AMFS reserves the non-negotiable right to adjust its alcohol policies related to personal consumption at any time.   

  • The AMFS Alcohol Policy also conforms to all local, state, and federal laws. It is illegal for a person under 21 years of age to purchase, consume, possess, or transport any alcohol, liquor, or malt or brewed beverages containing alcohol. Distribution of alcohol by sale or gift to persons under the age of 21 is forbidden and unlawful.  Students under the age of 21 are not permitted to be in the presence of alcohol, and under-age drinking may result in immediate dismissal from the program. 

  • Responsible personal alcohol use on Aspen Music Festival and School’s property or venues is only permitted for students aged 21 or older in the following designated spaces: the lawn of the Michael Klein Music Tent, at AMFS sponsored events, and in the rooms of on-campus residents who do not live with an underage roommate or in a dorm room designated as a “dry” unit. 

  • Students of any age are not permitted to consume alcohol before or during a concert at which they are performing. 

  • When alcohol is present in approved spaces of the residence halls, 21 or older resident(s) will be held responsible for identifying and removing any person who is not of legal drinking age. 

  • When residents who are at least 21 years old are transporting alcohol on AMFS property, alcohol containers may not be visible and must be closed. When alcohol is open and exposed, the door to the room must remain closed.  

  • The consumption or placement of alcoholic beverages in common areas (hallway, lounge, bathroom, etc.) is prohibited, regardless of age. 

  • Hard liquor and bulk dispensers (alcoholic punch, kegs, taps, beer bongs, shot skis, unmonitored bulk containers of alcohol, etc.) full or empty may not be brought onto the AMFS property or housing facilities. 

  • Parties, drinking games, or any other activities that facilitate irresponsible or competitive drinking are prohibited. 

  • Displaying intoxicated behavior or possessing decorative alcohol containers on AMFS property (including online) is prohibited for residents of any age.   

  • AMFS reserves the right to confiscate any alcoholic items. Students found to be disorderly will face disciplinary action. Residents found violating the alcohol policy in the residence halls may immediately lose their on-campus housing and will be responsible for arranging their own off-campus housing. Continued violations may result in suspension, forfeiture of scholarship, and/or expulsion. 

The possession or consumption (and being in the presence) of marijuana in any form is prohibited in the AMFS residence halls, even if the student is of legal age, per Colorado law. Residents found violating the drug policy in the residence halls may immediately lose their on-campus housing and will be responsible for arranging their own off-campus housing. Further, students are prohibited from bringing marijuana in any form onto any AMFS property or venue. It is illegal for a person under twenty-one years of age to purchase, consume, possess, or transport marijuana in any form. Distribution of marijuana by sale or gift to persons under the age of twenty-one or to anyone other than the person who was identified at the point of sale by the legal place of purchase is unlawful and may be reported to local law enforcement. The AMFS Drug Policy conforms to federal law regarding all other controlled substances. Violations may result in suspension, forfeiture of scholarship, and/or expulsion.

Smoking Policy

Over 80% of wildfires are caused by humans, therefore AMFS maintains strict guidlines on smoking as a measure of wildfire prevention. Visit for any information regarding fire restrictions in Pitkin County. 

The Bucksbaum Campus, Burlingame, Marolt Ranch, and the Michael Klein Music Tent have designated smoking areas.

  • The designated smoking area at the Michael Klein Music Tent is located near the back parking lot between the AMFS and Aspen Institute properties.
  • The designated smoking area at the Bucksbaum Campus is located under the first Castle Creek Bridge (closest to the Lower School Building).

Smoking in areas other than those designated is forbidden. All cigarettes must be extinguished completely and discarded in an an appropriate unburnable receptacle. Fire restrictions may apply.

  • Smoking is prohibited at the Aspen School District campus.
  • Smoking is prohibited at the Aspen Highlands Village.

Smoking products/devices include, but are not limited to, cigars, cigarettes, pipes, materials which are lighted or inhaled, e-cigarettes, electronic vaping devices, personal vaporizers, electronic nicotine delivery systems, or such devices which vaporize substances to simulate smoking. In our dry climate, smoking bans mandated by the City or County are a common occurrence and students will need to heed any notices, as distributed.

Firearms and Dangerous Articles

Possession, storage, and/or use of a firearm of any description (including, but not limited to, air rifles, airsoft guns, paintball guns, pellet guns, pistols, ammunition, gunpowder, etc.) on any AMFS property is prohibited. In addition, possession, storage, or use of a dangerous weapon (including, but not limited to, clubs, dangerous knives, and martial arts weapons), hazardous chemicals or biological substances, explosive devices of any description (including but not limited to, fireworks, regardless of size or type), incendiary devices specifically modified to be used as a weapon, hunting equipment, and other dangerous articles, weapons, or substances is prohibited on any AMFS property or venue.


Pets are NOT permitted in student housing or inside any AMFS facilities at the Bucksbaum Campus, Meadows Campus, or the Wheeler Opera House. This includes residence halls, rehearsal halls, performance venues, studio and classroom buildings, practice rooms, and cafeterias.

While animals are permitted outside of AMFS facilities, they may not be disruptive and must be leashed and attended to at all times. They may not be left chained and unattended. Owners are responsible for immediately disposing of waste.

No animals are permitted on the Aspen School District campus.

Students are strongly advised against bringing pets to Aspen, even if living in off-campus housing.

Personal Property

The Aspen Music Festival and School does not provide insurance for students’ personal property, including but not limited to students’ instruments, and cannot be held responsible in the event of loss, damage, or theft of personal property. The AMFS strongly recommends that students obtain insurance coverage for their personal property prior to arrival in Aspen. Some homeowner insurance may provide coverage. Do not leave personal property unattended at any time.


Students are strongly encouraged to leave personal vehicles at home and use public transportation or bikes while in Aspen. There is no student parking on the Bucksbaum Campus and limited or no student parking at other AMFS venues. See Parking by Venue under the Transportation To and Around Aspen section of the Handbook for specific parking locations and rules. Vehicles in violation of the parking restrictions will be towed or booted. Towing charges apply. There is a $75 fine to remove the boot.  Students with vehicles in Aspen will need to register their vehicles with the AMFS via a required pre-registration form on their AMFS Student Portal. See Parking by Venuefor specific locations and rules.

Parking Violation Penalty System 

Bucksbaum Campus 

  • First offense – Warning  
  • Second offense – $60 ticket 
  • Third offense – $75 ticket and boot on vehicle 
  • Fourth offense – Vehicle will be towed at the student’s expense 

 Meadows Campus 

  • First offense – Vehicle will be towed at the student’s expense 

Students who play large instruments are not exempt from these parking policies. Double bass, tuba, contrabassoon, and harp students who bring a car to Aspen will receive a Large Instrument Drop-Off Pass upon arrival. This pass will allow students to drop off their instrument in the parking lot behind the Michael Klein Music Tent and Harris Concert Hall. Vehicles must be moved immediately to the front lot once the instrument is unloaded at the Tent or Harris Concert Hall. Parking in the front lot and side streets is on a first-come, first-served basis. The pass will also allow students to drop off their instrument on the Bucksbaum Campus. Vehicles must be moved immediately to the Marolt Housing parking lot once the instrument is unloaded at the Bucksbaum Campus. Please note that the free bus system WILL accommodate instruments of any size. 

Payment and Refund Policies

Click HERE to review the breakdown of AMFS Tuition, Room & Board, and Fees. Tuition and housing deposits are due at the time of enrollment and are non-refundable should a student decide not to attend after enrolling. Deposits will be applied toward the total cost of attendance. Students who are placed in on-campus housing and subsequently withdraw or cancel their housing reservation will forfeit their deposits. Fellowship students who request on-campus housing and then subsequently withdraw that request will forfeit $1,000 from the fellowship stipend. In addition, once a student has enrolled in the program or registered in Aspen, all deposits, payments, and fees (including tuition and room and board) are non-refundable except in the case of medical emergencies or visa-related complications directly related to the student, as approved by the Vice President and Dean of Students. Any overpayment will be refunded approximately one week after registration. 

Students are required to pay their balance due by May 15. Online payments can be made through the AMFS Student Portal. Checks should be mailed to 225 Music School Road, Aspen, CO 81611 and made payable to the Aspen Music Festival and School. Include student name and reference number in the notes. There will be a $25 insufficient funds charge for returned checks. A single payment of the full balance is encouraged; however, an installment plan is available to help students/parents meet their financial obligations. The Installment Plan Request form is available on the AMFS Student Portal.

Security Deposit

All students pay a $100 security deposit. The security deposit is refundable subject to completion of check-out procedures and completion of the Student Exit Survey. Applicable charges for damages, unreturned or incomplete items, and any outstanding balance will be subtracted from the security deposit. Any remaining balance of the security deposit will be refunded to the original payment source by September 30. Students are responsible for additional charges or balances not covered by the security deposit. Applicable check-out charges are listed below. Payment for any outstanding balance or charges must be received by October 15.

  • Alumni Fund Contribution: $5-$100 will be deducted from the security deposit for any students who indicated they wish to contribute to the Alumni Fund via the Check Out Form. Thank you for your support!
  • Aspen Sports Medicine No Show Fee: $150
  • Bike Return Fee: $25
  • Check-Out Form Incomplete: $25 - applicable to any student who does not submit the Check Out Form by September 12
  • Late Registration Fee: $100 will be deducted for those who missed the required Orientation (for payments not received by the end of the session)
  • Library Fine: Amount ranges depending on the type of music / score not returned to the AMFS Music Library
  • Lost Key: $25-$100 depending on the residence hall
  • Student Survey Incomplete: $25 - applicable to any student who does not submit the Student Survey by September 12
  • Parking Violation Fee: $60-$75 depending on number of violations (for payments not received by the end of the session)
  • Pillow Charge: $5 per pillow received during check in
  • Property Damage: Amount ranges depending on type of damage, at the discretion of the property manager

Cancellation Policy

The AMFS reserves the right to make necessary programmatic adjustments up to full cancellation, in the case of unforeseen circumstances. Unforeseen circumstances is used to describe an event that prevents the AMFS from proceeding with programming in traditional fashion. Examples of such circumstances can include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, site unavailability, health and safety risks, and technology issues.

In the event that the AMFS must rescind a student’s offer of admission due to unforeseen circumstances, tuition and housing deposits/fees will be refunded. Application fees are not refundable.

Anti-Discrimination Policy

The AMFS admits students of any race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, age, marital status, family responsibility, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, veteran status, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or gender expression or individuals associated with any of the aforementioned protected group statuses to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the AMFS. It does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and other AMFS- administered programs. No person shall be denied engagement solely because of any impairment which is unrelated to the ability to participate in activities involved in the position(s) or program for which application has been made.


Bullying is unwelcome or unreasonable behavior that demeans, intimidates, or humiliates people either as individuals or as a group. Bullying behavior is often persistent and part of a pattern, but it can also occur as a single incident. It is usually carried out by an individual but can also be an aspect of group behavior. Bullying is unacceptable. Participating in any kind of bullying action may result in expulsion.

Sexual Harassment Policy

The AMFS is committed to maintaining a work environment where every employee, student, artist-faculty member, and guest artist is treated with respect and dignity. All individuals have the right to work, live, learn, teach, or perform in an atmosphere that promotes equal opportunity and prohibits discriminatory practices and treatment, including sexual harassment. Sexual harassment, whether verbal, physical, or environmental, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

For purposes of enforcing this policy, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome or unwanted conduct of a sexual nature (verbal, written, or physical) when: 1.) submission to or rejection of this conduct by an individual is used as a factor in decisions affecting hiring, evaluation, promotion, or other aspects of employment, education, or performance; and/or 2.) this conduct interferes substantially with an individual’s employment, education, or performance; and/or 3.) this conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment in which to work, live, learn, teach, or perform.

Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to: unwanted sexual advances; demands for sexual favors in exchange for favorable treatment or continued employment; repeated sexual jokes, flirtation, advances, or propositions; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; graphic or verbal commentary about an individual’s body, sexual prowess, or sexual deficiencies; leering, whistling, touching, pinching, assault, coerced sexual acts, or suggestive, insulting, obscene comments or gestures; and display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.

This policy governs all permanent and temporary employees of the AMFS, as well as students, artist-faculty, and guest artists. The AMFS will not tolerate, condone, or allow sexual harassment, whether engaged in by fellow employees or supervisors, or by non-employees who conduct business with the AMFS, including students, artist-faculty, and guest artists. The AMFS encourages reporting of all incidents of sexual harassment, whoever the offender may be, and promises thorough protection to the reporter.

Individuals who believe they have been subjected to sexual harassment should report the incident to one of the following AMFS staff by calling 970-925-3254:

  • Jenny Elliot, Senior Vice President for Strategy and Administration
  • Kate Northfield Lanich, Vice President and General Manager
  • Azusa Chapman, Vice President and Dean of Students

Complaints of sexual harassment will be investigated promptly and in a manner that is as impartial and confidential as possible. Retaliation against any employee, student, artist-faculty member, or guest artist for complaining about sexual harassment or for participating in an investigation is strictly prohibited.

Violations of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Based on the seriousness of the offense, disciplinary action may include verbal or written reprimand, suspension, or termination.

Consensual Relationship Policy

The AMFS has adopted a policy regarding consensual relationships between faculty or supervisory staff and the staff or student that they supervise, teach, or coach. No staff member or faculty member is permitted to be involved in a relationship (sexual and/or romantic) with any other staff member or student with whom he or she has a direct professional relationship (such as teaching or coaching) or an indirect professional relationship (such as orchestra placement decisions, leading a section, or managing an orchestra). Such relationships may adversely affect the teacher/student relationship and give rise to conflicts between personal and professional interests. Furthermore, no staff or faculty member should be in a supervisory position (including teaching and coaching) over a staff member or student with whom they have had a previous relationship. In addition, students are prohibited from renting rooms from or residing with faculty members or staff.

Pre-existing relationships of this nature should be disclosed to the hiring manger, Vice President and General Manager, Vice President and Dean of Students, Vice President for Strategy and Administration, or President and CEO upon receipt of their letter of agreement (or prior) to determine and resolve any potential conflicts between their employment and the relationship with a student of the AMFS. Exceptions to the co-habitation rule may be granted on a case-by-case basis.

Social Media

The Social Media Policy is designed to offer practical guidance for responsible, constructive communications via social media channels. In general, the Aspen Music Festival and School (AMFS) views personal websites and blogs positively and respects the right to use them as an avenue of self-expression. While at AMFS good judgment and common-sense use of these vehicles are expected.  

Aspen Music Festival and School expects adherence to the following important guidelines when participating in internet-based communications and other social media (including but not limited to personal blogs, message boards, chat rooms, and sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, BeReal, TikTok, Instagram, etc.) and posting information on any public forum (including online comments on newspaper websites, other people’s blogs, YouTube, etc.): 

  • Do not disclose confidential information. If you are going to post about AMFS, first be sure that the information you post has already been published in a newsletter, press release, or on the AMFS website.
  • Respect the law, including those laws governing defamation, discrimination, harassment, copyright, and fair use. When you choose to go public with your thoughts and opinions, you are legally responsible for your commentary. 
  • Protect the privacy of AMFS patrons, donors, guest artists, artist-faculty, employees, and students.
  • Realize that your social media posts and Internet communications are not private and that they reflect upon you and AMFS. We caution you that the audio/video, information, and actions you post on social media are public.  

Be aware that individuals can be held personally liable. Violations may result in suspension, forfeiture of scholarship, and/or expulsion. 

Code of Conduct

Aspen Music Festival and School Code of Conduct 

The Aspen Music Festival and School’s mission is to be the preeminent summer institution of classical music education, performances, and presentations; to be transformational and inspirational for all involved; and to be innovative and a catalyst for change in the world of music, while drawing on and respecting its great traditions.  

All members of the AMFS community have chosen to be here and are expected to exhibit the highest level of professionalism, act civilly, and maintain an environment conducive to learning and music making. This means that all students, faculty, staff, and guest artists must represent AMFS well, both on- and off-campus, treat each other with respect and dignity, promote excellence on- and off-stage, and act as good citizens.  

AMFS is an institution that welcomes people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives. We are committed to being an open and inclusive organization and believe that when people feel respected and included they can be more creative, innovative, and successful. While we have more work to do to advance diversity and inclusion, we’re investing to move our organization and classical music industry forward. All members of the AMFS community will use inclusive language that is accurate, fair, and respectful of an individual’s pronouns when stated.  

Our sexual harassment policy makes it clear that all students, faculty, artists, and staff have the right to work in an atmosphere that promotes equal opportunity and prohibits discriminatory practices and treatment, including sexual harassment. At AMFS, sexual harassment, whether verbal, physical or environmental, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  

If a member of our community has broken this Code of Conduct, please be in touch with any of the following members of the administration:  

  • Alan Fletcher, President and CEO:  
  • Jennifer Elliot, Senior Vice President for Strategy and Administration:  
  • Kate Northfield-Lanich, Vice President and General Manager:  
  • Azusa Chapman, Vice President and Dean of Students:  
  • Nicole Mendyka, Manager of Personnel:  

Our administration will determine the course of action based on the individual set of circumstances. 

As a Student of the Aspen Music Festival and School

  • I will adhere to all rules, regulations, and policies stated in Student Handbooks and by the administration.
  • I will take responsibility for my own schedule and put my musical education first.
  • I will be honest and respectful and ensure that I represent the AMFS well, both on and off Campus.
  • I will comply with all city, state, and federal laws.
  • I understand that breaking the Code of Conduct could mean disciplinary action as severe as expulsion without refunding of fees paid.

Off-Campus Housing

Students under the age of 18 and students who choose to live off campus must make their own living arrangements. As a resort town, housing in Aspen is expensive. Students can expect to have roommates and/or should consider housing in the Snowmass Village or "down valley" areas. Students are encouraged to make arrangements as early as possible; however, summer housing usually does not become available until March or April, after the ski season.

The following websites are resources that students have found helpful:

Off-Campus Housing List

As a resource to students, the AMFS posts a referral list of available local housing on the AMFS Student Portal. The list will be regularly updated with vacancies from mid-April until the Festival’s start in mid-June. This list is not an endorsement of any kind, but strictly a list of properties and roommate opportunities. The AMFS does not guarantee the condition, including but not limited to, the quality, comfort, and safety of any listing, and will not interfere with negotiations. Further, the AMFS is not responsible for any contractual obligations agreed upon between landlord and tenant. Landlords interested in advertising available properties should email to be added to the list.

The "Off-Campus Housing List" will also contain contact information of other AMFS students seeking off-campus roommates. Students who wish to be added to this list should fill out the Off-Campus Roommate Request Form on their AMFS Student Portal upon enrollment.  

*Note that students are not permitted to rent from or reside with AMFS artist-faculty.

Housing for Students Under 18

Students under the age of 18 may not live in the residence halls. The AMFS requires a parent / legal guardian or approved summer guardian to be in residence in an off-campus residence with their student for the entire session in which the student is enrolled if the student is under the age of 18 at the time of the session start date. Students living off campus are responsible for purchasing their own meals or a meal plan through the AMFS Dining Hall. If the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) choose to grant permission to a summer guardian, the summer guardian must be at least 21 years of age and cannot be an AMFS student. The Underage Student Agreement must be submitted to the Vice President and Dean of Students and must include a statement signed by the parent/legal guardian giving responsibility of the student to a summer guardian. This form must also be signed by the summer guardian, stating that they will accept responsibility for the student. Each submission will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

On-Campus Housing

The AMFS does not have housing for students under the age of 18. Students 18 and older who wish to live on campus may live in Marolt Ranch, Burlingame, or Aspen Highlands residence halls. Full descriptions of the properties are below. All students living in the residence halls receive a meal plan which provides three meals per day at AMFS cafeterias. The AMFS residence halls have the capacity to house the majority of the student body, and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Note that all units are typically reserved by May 1. The residence halls are overseen by the Residence Life staff. These individuals are available to assist the student-residents and to promote a sense of community.

See the AMFS Policies section for a full version of AMFS rules and regulations, including specific Residence Hall Policies.

What to Bring for the Residence Halls

  • Required items: extra-long twin size sheets (flat and fitted), pillowcases, bath towels, and hangers. Pillows can be purchased from the AMFS for $5. The charge will be deducted from the Security Deposit return. (Blankets are provided.)
  • Recommended items: cell phone, cooking utensils, fan. Air conditioning is not provided.
  • Note that basic items like bathmats, hangers, dishes/cooking utensils are not provided. Student-residents are directed to local thrift shops (or Amazon) to acquire such items if so desired. Cleaning supplies are provided but shared among all residents and must be checked out. Student-residents are encouraged to purchase their own supplies if they desire regular access to these products.

Internet is provided for checking emails and light web-browsing. It is not designed to support streaming or high-density downloads and will only function on one device at a time, per resident. Student-residents who desire higher-performance internet should contact the local service provider to acquire service at their own expense.

Residence Halls


100 Marolt Place
Aspen, CO  81611

Directions: From Highway 82, take the Castle Creek exit at the roundabout and turn left after less than a quarter mile at the small “Marolt Ranch Housing” sign. Follow the driveway to the main parking lot.

  • Marolt Ranch Photos
  • 94-unit facility
  • 1.5 miles from downtown Aspen
  • .25 miles from the Bucksbaum Campus
  • Residence Life Office on site
  • Pay laundry facilities onsite (one-time purchase of a $5 laundry card, plus additional $1.75 per wash load and $1.50 per dryer load, paid for with cash). Rates are subject to change. 
  • Dining hall onsite
  • Three residents housed per two-room suite (units contain one double and one single room). Room assignment within each suite is determined by the roommates upon their arrival.
  • Units have capability for phone hook-up at tenant's discretion and expense through local utility company (phone not provided).
  • Basic WiFi is provided in each unit. Those seeking a faster connection may choose to upgrade via the local Comcast/Xfinity office.
  • Refrigerator and microwave provided. Cookware, dishes, utensils not provided.
  • Blanket provided. Pillows can be purchased from AMFS for $5. The charge will be deducted from the Security Deposit return.
  • Limited parking.
  • Quiet hours are 10 pm to 9 am. Practicing is not permitted during quiet hours.
  • See Residence Hall Policies for additional residence hall regulations.


50 Harmony Place
Aspen, CO 81611

Directions: Traveling east on Highway 82, pass the Aspen Airport on the right. Travel another half mile and make a left at the next traffic light (Harmony Road). Burlingame is straight ahead. Burlingame is located approximately three miles west of downtown Aspen.

  • Burlingame Photos
  • Ages 21 and up
  • Full Session students only 
  • 40-unit facility, limited capacity
  • Three miles from downtown Aspen
  • Three miles from Bucksbaum Campus
  • Pay laundry facilities onsite (On-time purchase of a $5 laundry card, plus an additional $2.50 per wash load and $2.50 per dryer load, paid for with debit or credit card.) Rates are subject to change. 
  • Two residents housed per two-room suite (roommates share common spaces but have a private bedroom). Room assignment within each suite is determined by the roommates upon their arrival.
  • Units have capability for phone hook-up at tenant's discretion and expense through local utility company (phone not provided).
  • Basic WiFi is provided in each unit. Those seeking a faster connection may choose to upgrade via the local Comcast/Xfinity office.
  • Kitchen sink, refrigerator, microwave, and stovetop in units. Cookware, dishes, utensils not provided.
  • Blanket provided. Pillows can be purchased from AMFS for $5. The charge will be deducted from the Security Deposit return.
  • No dining hall at Burlingame; food service is available at the Marolt Ranch and at the Bucksbaum Campus.
  • Quiet hours are 10 pm to 9 am. Practicing is not permitted during quiet hours.
  • See Residence Hall Policies for additional residence hall regulations.


133 Prospector Road
Aspen, CO 81611

Directions: From Highway 82, take the Maroon Creek Road exit at the roundabout and travel 1.5 miles. Take a left on Thunderbowl Lane and a right on Boomerang Road. Short-term parking can be found here. Units are located above the shops and restaurants on the Plaza on Prospector Road.

  • Highlands Photos
  • Ages 21 and up
  • 3 miles from downtown Aspen
  • 3 miles from the Bucksbaum Campus
  • In-unit laundry (free of charge)
  • Double occupancy rooms. Units vary in size and layout, and can house four to eight students.
  • Units have capability for phone hook-up at tenant's discretion and expense through local utility company (phone not provided).
  • Full kitchen with sink, stovetops, and oven in each unit. Cookware, dishes, utensils not provided.
  • Blanket provided. Pillows can be purchased from AMFS for $5. The charge will be deducted from the Security Deposit return.
  • No dining hall onsite; food service is available at the Marolt Ranch and at the Bucksbaum Campus.
  • NO PARKING AVAILABLE (served by free RFTA bus).
  • This property is shared with members of the public community. Early quiet hours at Highlands ensure a peaceful space for students and neighbors. Beginning at 7 pm, windows and doors must be closed if practicing inside the unit. Practicing is not allowed after 10 pm.
  • See Residence Hall Policies for additional residence hall regulations.

Residence Life Office

  • Marolt Ranch (basement level of Marolt Ranch cafeteria building)
  • Main Office (call during office hours): 970-429-8612
    • Monday - Thursday, Saturday: 7:30 am - 8 pm
    • Friday: 7:30 am - 4 pm
    • Sunday: 7:30 am - 2 pm
  • Resident Supervisor on Duty (call for emergencies, outside of office hours):  970-319-2100

The Residence Life Office serves as a communication hub for students living in the residence halls. A Residence Life staff member will be available during all office hours to assist with housing needs for all residence hall facilities. A supervisor is on duty 24 hours a day and can be reached by cell phone in case of emergencies or when the office is closed.

Visit, call, or email the Residence Life Office for the following:

  • Bus schedules
  • Leave messages for student-residents
  • Information about student events
  • Maintenance or room key issues
  • Lost and found items
  • Supplies (cleaning supplies, vacuums, toilet paper, games, sporting equipment)
  • Speak with a member of the Residence Life staff about any other concerns

On-Campus Housing Check-In and Check-Out

Arrival and Departure Schedule

Wednesday, June 25
Thursday, June 26
9 am–9 pm, daily Housing Check-In Full Session | Half Session I 
Monday, July 28 Before 10 am Housing Check-Out Half Session I
Monday, July 28 4–11 pm Housing Check-In Half Session II
Monday, August 25 Before 12 pm Housing Check-Out Full Session | Half Session II

On-Campus Housing Check-In Procedures

  • Check in at Marolt or Burlingame during the above check-in windows.
  • Students arriving after hours due to travel delays may call the Supervisor on Duty at 970-319-2100 for assistance checking in.
  • Collect room key at the Housing Check-In Station.
  • Complete the Damage Assessment Form on the AMFS Student Portal by the posted deadline. Students with incomplete Damage Assessment Forms are subject to forfeiting their $100 security deposit refund

On-Campus Housing Check-Out Procedures

All procedures listed below must be completed by the check-out deadline to ensure a full return of the $100 security deposit.

Half Session I

  • Sign up for a check-out time by calling the Residence Life Office at Marolt Ranch by Friday, July 25.
  • Clean unit thoroughly to avoid fines (see Residence Life Office at Marolt Ranch to request cleaning supplies). Units will be checked for cleanliness at the student’s scheduled check-out time.
  • A Residence Life staff member will be at the student’s unit for their scheduled check-out time. Please be present and on time for the appointment. If the check-out time is missed, students risk forfeiture of their deposit.
  • Return blanket and key to the appropriate drop off location (posted by Residence Life staff)
  • Return ALL borrowed materials (bikes, library, etc.)
  • Complete and submit the Check-Out Form on the AMFS Student Portal immediately following your check-out appointment.
  • Complete the Student Survey by Friday, September 12. A link will be emailed to students no later than August 25.

Full Session and Half Session II

  • Clean unit thoroughly (call or visit the Residence Life Office at Marolt Ranch to request supplies). Units will be checked for cleanliness after all residents have moved out. Any damage/cleaning charges will be charged equally to all room residents!
  • Return blanket, key, and clicker/parking tag (Burlingame residents, if applicable) to the appropriate drop off location (posted by Residence Life staff).
  • Return ALL borrowed materials (bikes, library, etc.)
  • Complete and submit the Check-Out Form on your AMFS Student Portal no later than Monday, August 25.
  • Complete the Student Survey by Friday, September 12. A link will be emailed to students no later than August 25.

Dining Halls

Dining Locations and Service Dates

Campus Café – Bucksbaum Campus
Marolt Grill – Marolt Ranch


2025 Meal Service Start/End Dates
Wednesday, June 25* 11:30 am* Campus Café
Meal Service Begins
Full Session  |  Half Session I
Monday, July 28* 11:30 am* Campus Café  |  Marolt Grill
Meal Service Begins
Half Session II
Sunday, August 24* 8:00 pm* Campus Café  |  Marolt Grill
Meal Service Ends
Full Session  |  Half Session II


To Go Meals 

Running short on time? Take your meal “to go”. Schedules at the AMFS are busy! We encourage students to take a much-needed break and eat in the dining halls. If you’re in a jam, request a green “to-go” container at the dining hall cash register in exchange for your meal plan swipe and simply return the container at the subsequent meal window. 

You can also plan ahead if you know you can’t make the next mealtime. When you leave the meal prior to the one you will miss, request a “to-go” container. Your card will be swiped a second time making your card invalid for the subsequent meal. Fill your container and go! (There are microwaves available in the dorm units and one available in the Bucksbaum cafeteria for heating up meals.) 


2025 Single Meals and Punch Passes 

Students living off-campus and guests are welcome to purchase meals at the Campus Café' and the Marolt Grill. Single meals or punch passes can be purchased from the Sodexo cafeteria staff at either location. 

Single Meal and Punch Pass Costs

  • Single Meals
    • Purchase single meals at your convenience for $11.50–$13.50, depending on the time of day/meal.*
  • Punch Passes
    • $115* Punch Pass gives you 10 meals, plus one free!
    • $280* Punch Pass gives you 25 meals, plus one free!

*Rates subject to change


Dining Hall Hours

2025 Dining Hall Hours

Campus Café — Harth Building, Bucksbaum Campus

7:45–9:30 am* Continental Breakfast No Monday Breakfast
11:30 am–2:30 pm* Lunch  
4:30–7:00 pm* Dinner No Sunday Dinner

*Hours subject to change

Marolt Grill — Marolt Ranch Commons

7:15–10:30 am* Continental Breakfast Mondays: Hot brunch 7:30–11:30 am;
no separate breakfast/lunch service
11:30 am–2:30 pm* Lunch  
4:30–8:00 pm* Dinner Fridays: Dinner 4:00–8:00 pm

*Hours subject to change

Download the Sodexo app (available on Apple and Android phones) to view daily menus and more! 

Meal Plans

Students over the age of 18 who elect to live on-campus receive a meal plan as a part of their room and board. The meal plan includes three meals per day at AMFS cafeterias. Students must present their Student ID. Those who elect to live off-campus do not receive a meal plan. A fellowship student who elects to live off-campus may spend a portion of their stipend on an add-on meal plan or individual meals. Refunds and/or discounts for the meal plan are not available.

Vegetarian selections and salads are always available. Ingredients for all dishes will be posted, and foods of common allergies (nuts, peanut butter, etc.) will be kept appropriately separate from other foods. Takeout containers and utensils will be available, and food may be taken to rooms or to outdoor seating areas. Additionally, a la carte items will be available for purchase at both cafeterias. 

Food may not be shared with individuals who are not on the meal plan. Doing so will result in revocation of the meal plan without refund. Additionally, students must follow procedures for returning dishware and utensils as communicated by the food service provider and the Residence Life staff.

Food Allergies

Students with food allergies should communicate with the Office of Student Services before their arrival in Aspen, and with the AMFS Registered Dietician upon arrival in Aspen. Information about scheduling an appointment with the Registered Dietician will be made available on the AMFS Student Portal. Vegetarian selections, as well as a salad and sandwich bar, are always available.

Health Services

All registered students of the AMFS are required to participate in the Student Health Plan and to pay the applicable Health Service fee. Coverage dates are June 25–August 24. All users of this benefit must be registered students of the AMFS at the time of their visit.

For questions regarding health services, contact a Residence Life staff member, or Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Life Ronte’ Hardy at or 970-205-5054.

Health Plan Coverage

General Health and Sickness Coverage

The AMFS Student Health Plan covers visits to the primary care facility at the Aspen Valley Hospital (Aspen Valley Primary Care). Students may consult with Aspen Valley Primary Care about any non-emergency health or sickness concerns at no cost. When scheduling an appointment, students must notify Aspen Valley Primary Care that they are an AMFS student and request to be seen by Rachel Houseal. Students may request either an in-person or telehealth visit, depending on the severity of illness presented. 

All referrals made by Aspen Valley Primary Care for general health care related to the student’s time in Aspen will be covered by the AMFS Student Health Plan, including psychiatric needs. 

Note that the AMFS Student Health Plan DOES NOT cover the following: Emergency Department visits, outpatient hospital services, ambulance services, surgery, hospitalization, pre-existing conditions, ENT visits, routine physicals, hernias, dentistry, optical, suicide, pregnancy, or referrals for chiropractors, acupuncture, routine eye exams, other non-essential medical treatments, or any kind of testing. Special circumstances may be brought to the Vice President and Dean of Students. Any health services outside the AMFS health plan must be covered through the student's personal health insurance plan.

Emergency visits to the Aspen Valley Hospital Emergency Room WILL NOT be covered through the Student Health Plan.

Physical Therapy

The AMFS Student Health Plan covers up to three visits of physical therapy at Aspen Sports Medicine (ASM) in downtown Aspen. A referral is NOT required; however, Aspen Sports Medicine will conduct a thorough evaluation of each student’s injuries during the first visit, which is considered one of the three free visits. When scheduling an appointment, students must notify ASM that they are an AMFS student. After three visits, additional sessions will require either personal health insurance or an out-of-pocket fee of $150/visit. Cancellation: students who are no-shows or who cancel their appointment within less than 24 hours will be responsible for the full $150 appointment fee.

Counseling Services

The AMFS Student Health Plan also covers up to three visits to Mind Springs Health, offering exceptional mental health and wellness support. Additional appointments may also be covered if deemed clinically appropriate. Top-notch counselors can assist students with anxiety, depression, trauma, relationships, addiction issues, and much more. Students may make appointments with counselors at the Mind Springs offices, which are adjacent to Aspen Valley Hospital. Services do not require a referral. While access to Mind Springs is at a student’s request, psychiatric needs do require a referral from Aspen Valley Primary Care.

The AMFS will offer several Musician's Wellness Sessions on campus in collaboration with counselors from Mind Springs Health. Session subjects may include performance anxiety, life transitions, effective communication skills, and more. Schedule information will be distributed by the Residence Life staff.

Consent to Medical Treatment

All students (or a parent/guardian if the student is under the age of 18) must sign the Consent to Medical Treatment form that authorizes immediate medical treatment in the case of emergency.

Medical Providers

Aspen Valley Primary Care

401 Castle Creek Road (Across Castle Creek Road from Marolt Ranch)
Monday–Friday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Saturday–Sunday: CLOSED
Hours subject to change

In-person and virtual appointments are available. All appointments must be scheduled in advance; however, Aspen Valley Primary Care will work in all urgent appointments on a first-come, first-served basis. Students should mention their AMFS affiliation when scheduling an appointment and should be prepared to show their AMFS Student ID at the appointment.

Mind Springs Health — Counseling Services

405 Castle Creek Road, Suite 207 (Across Castle Creek Road from Marolt Ranch and adjacent to Aspen Valley Hospital)
970-920-5555 – appointments
888-207-4004 – crisis hotline
Monday–Friday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm;
Saturday–Sunday: CLOSED
Hours subject to change  

Other Mental Health Resources

Aspen Sports Medicine – Physical Therapy

616 East Hyman Avenue
Monday–Friday: 8:00 am–6:00 pm
Saturday–Sunday: CLOSED
Hours subject to change

Aspen Valley Hospital (AVH)

616 East Hyman Avenue
401 Castle Creek Road – Across Castle Creek Road from Marolt Ranch

The AMFS Student Health Plan does not offer accident coverage. Medical emergencies will be handled by Aspen Valley Hospital; However, students will need to provide their personal health insurance information at the time of treatment.

Aspen Valley Hospital (AVH) - Otolaryngology (ENT) 

401 Castle Creek Road – Across Castle Creek Road from Marolt Ranch 

The AMFS Student Health Plan does not cover ENT visits.  If students wish to get care through their personal insurance, the AMFS can recommend the following healthcare professional:   

  • Dr. Melissa Sommers 

Aspen Medical Care - Urgent Care

101 Founders Place, Suite 109

The AMFS Student Health Plan does not cover services offered at Aspen Medical Care. This is a good option should a medical concern arise when Aspen Valley Primary Care is closed and the issue does not appear to be a hospital emergency. Students will need to present their personal health insurance at the time of treatment. Hours vary. Walk-ins welcome.

Community Health Services – Family Planning

405 Castle Creek Road, Suite 201 (Across Castle Creek Road from Marolt Ranch and adjacent to Aspen Valley Hospital)
Monday–Friday: 9:00 am–4:30 pm
Hours subject to change

The AMFS Student Health Plan does not cover services offered at Community Health Services. Aspen's Community Health Services offers low-cost and/or free family planning and counseling including reproductive health education and testing. For paid services, personal health insurance is accepted.

Health and Safety in the Mountains

Climate and Altitude

Aspen is at an elevation of nearly 8,000 feet and the climate is dry. Together, these two qualities make the perfect environment for dehydration and altitude sickness to occur. When arriving at Aspen, refrain from strenuous activity and exercise and drink plenty of water until you feel acclimated.

See the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guide on traveling to high altitude for tips on how to prepare and avoid altitude sickness.

Summer temperatures range from ninety degrees during the day to fifty degrees (sometimes, lower) at night. Brief afternoon showers are common. Dress in layers and bring a raincoat, sweater, or light jacket. Aspen day dress is casual (jeans, shorts, and other casual attire).


Aspen is known for sightings of elk, black bears, occasional sightings of moose, and very rare sightings of mountain lions, in addition to other wildlife. Black bears are timid animals, but they are attracted to food. The best way to avoid an encounter is to properly dispose of your trash in bear-proof containers (provided on the Bucksbaum Campus and around Aspen). Keep food items out of vehicles and close / lock ground floor doors and windows. If you encounter a bear, make your presence known by making noise (don’t surprise the animal), and back away slowly (do not run). Moose sightings are rarer than bear sightings, but moose can be aggressive. If you see a moose, do not approach the animal. Position yourself so there is a physical barrier between you and the moose and then create a wide berth as quickly and calmly as possible. Mountain lion sightings are extremely rare but not a safe situation. If you see a mountain lion, make yourself seem as large as possible, make noise, do not act afraid, and slowly create distance between you and the animal. Elk are generally not a danger but are beautiful to observe in the mountains.

Hiking Safety

Some of the most beautiful hikes in the world are in the Rocky Mountains. Make sure you explore safely. Have a plan – study your map and bring it with you. Hike in groups of three or more. Tell someone (Residence Life staff, for instance) where you are going and your expected time of return. Carry and drink plenty of water (a minimum of one quart every two hours), wear sturdy footwear with traction, dress in layers, and stay on the trail.

We recommend that all students purchase a CORSAR (Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search and Rescue) card. For just a few dollars, you help to ensure that emergencies can be responded to in a timely manner with all the resources that can help save a life on the trail.

Purchase a CORSAR Card
By phone: 303-864-7748

River Safety

White-water rafting is a popular sport in the area. Rivers run high in early summer, following the snow-melt. We recommend staying off the rivers until late summer. Should you partake in the sport, always go with a guide and wear the recommended safety equipment.

What to Bring to Aspen

Essential Items

  • Dorm residents: Extra-long flat and fitted twin sheets, pillowcase, bath towels, and hangers. Blankets provided. Pillows can be purchased from the AMFS for $5. The charge will be deducted from the Security Deposit return. Cookware, dishes, and utensils are not provided in the residence halls. It is suggested that those who wish to prepare food in their dorms (some have limited cooking facilities) purchase supplies from local thrift shops. All residents receive a meal plan and can eat in the cafeterias.
  • Sheet music: There are no sheet music stores in Aspen. A limited number of scores and parts are available at the chamber music library. Students are encouraged to bring all the solo and chamber music that they might need for the summer.
  • Instrument (auxiliary instruments if you have them), maintenance tools and accessories, music stand
  • Spending money: Aspen is an expensive resort town. Students are encouraged to bring a debit and/or credit card to Aspen rather than cash only.
  • Padlock for locker use: There is an orchestra locker room at the Michael Klein Music Tent and some small lockers on the Bucksbaum Campus.
  • Sunscreen, lip protection, hat, and sunglasses: the sun at Aspen’s elevation is intense.
  • Water bottle
  • Fleece, lightweight layers, rain jacket, umbrella, and hiking boots
  • WiFi enabled electronic device: cell phone, tablet, or computer (Student Services can offer assistance if you are unable to bring this essential item)

Recommended Items

  • Metronome and tuner
  • Recording equipment for lessons and practice sessions
  • Humidifier
  • A fan: Dorm rooms tend to get warm during the day (Local thrift shops or are good places to obtain these).

Performance Attire

All students should expect to perform in any ensemble (orchestra, opera, specials) and should bring the required clothing. AMFS does not provide attire for loan.

Orchestra Concert Dress

  • Long sleeve white or cream blouse
  • White tuxedo shirt w/ black bow tie
  • White or cream tuxedo jacket
  • Long black skirt or black dress pants
  • Black dress shoes, black socks (hose optional)

Brass Fanfares (pertains to all brass students)

  • Black pants or skirt
  • Black dress shirt with sleeves to the wrist
  • Black dress shoes, black socks (hose optional)
  • Black jacket (optional)

Opera Orchestra and Specials Dress (includes Aspen Contemporary Ensemble)

  • Long black pants or skirt
  • Black dress shirt with sleeves to the wrist
  • Black jacket (optional)
  • Black dress shoes, black socks (hose optional)
  • Long gown (optional)

Aspen Opera Theater and VocalARTS Dress for Singers

  • Long black skirt or dress pants
  • White blouse or white dress shirt
  • Black jacket/tux
  • White or cream jacket
  • Formal gown (optional for solo performances)
  • One black-tie outfit. Second formal / black-tie outfit optional.  
  • Dark suit, black bow tie
  • Dancewear or sweats for movement
  • Stage-worthy boots (if applicable)
  • Small makeup kit
  • Black or tan character shoes
  • Dress shoes

American Brass Quintet Seminar @Aspen

  • Black dress pants (or skirt) and black jacket
  • Black dress shirt with sleeves to the wrist
  • Black dress shoes, black socks
  • Business casual for less formal performances

Aspen Chamber Music Participants

Professional performance attire is required. For example, orchestra attire or all black is a safe standard. Personal flair is invited such as a gown, etc. No jeans, shorts, or casual shoes. Feel free to coordinate your look with your ensemble colleagues.  

Transportation To and Around Aspen

Traveling to Aspen

Aspen is located 220 miles west of Denver, Colorado (about a 3.5-hour drive). The City of Aspen is served by major airlines.

Warning For Those Traveling with Large Instruments!

Aspen/Pitkin County Airport is a small facility and airlines may not be able to transport large instruments. Therefore, shipping the instrument or travel to a larger airport in the region may be necessary.

For many ground transportation options, cellists and tubists must pay an additional fee and double bass players must book a private shuttle.

Students traveling with large instruments should speak directly with their airline, airport, and/or ground transportation provider in advance.

Travel Dates

Students must stay through the final concert (4-6 pm) on August 18. Students who book tickets with a return date earlier than the final concert, without an approved Leave of Absence, will be asked to change their flights. Any resulting change fee will be the responsibility of the student. Also, note that the dates surrounding the AMFS season get booked early. Reserve travel as far in advance as possible.

Flying Into Aspen

The Aspen/Pitkin County Airport (ASE) is located ten minutes from downtown Aspen. AMFS volunteers will be at the airport to assist students arriving on June 19 and 20 during the most popular travel times. Free bus service is available from the airport to the Bucksbaum Campus, residence halls, and downtown Aspen. Please check with the bus driver to determine which stops they intend to make. Students may also use High Mountain Taxi service (970 925 8294), which is readily available. Expect a fare of approximately $20.

Flying Into Area Airports

  • Denver International Airport (DEN) is a large airport approximately 220 miles from Aspen that often offers a more affordable (but less convenient) option.
  • Eagle-Vail Airport (EGE), approximately 1.5 hours by car from Aspen, is another option. This is also a smaller, regional airport so do pay attention to cargo restrictions.
  • Grand Junction Regional Airport (GJT) is approximately 2 hours by car from Aspen. This is also a small regional airport that may have cargo restrictions or limited services.

Ground Transportation From Area Airports

  • Bustang, managed by the Colorado Department of Transportation, offers $28 bus service from Denver to Glenwood Springs, forty miles northwest of Aspen. Call 800 900 3011 or visit for more information. See for information on local bus service from Glenwood Springs to Aspen.
  • Rental Cars may be arranged for a one-way trip from Denver to Aspen via Alamo, Avis, Budget, Hertz, National, or Sixt. Please contact these agencies directly for rates and availability. You may view the Carpool List on your AMFS Student Portal to connect with other students seeking a ride!
  • CoWest Transportation occasionally offers $140.30 shuttle service from Denver International Airport to Aspen / Pitkin County Airport. Call 800 822 4844 or visit for more information.

By Train

Amtrak service is available to Glenwood Springs, forty miles northwest of Aspen. Call 800-USA-RAIL or go to See for information on local bus service from Glenwood Springs to Aspen.

By Car

NOTE: Students are strongly encouraged to leave personal vehicles at home. See Parking and Transportation in Aspen for more information.

There are two routes by car from Denver to Aspen.

  • From Denver International Airport, take I-70 West to Glenwood Springs (exit 116). Follow signs to Highway 82 which leads to Aspen (forty miles). From the roundabout, take the Castle Creek Road exit and continue one-half mile to Music School Road on the left.
  • Take the scenic route via Independence Pass. Drive west on I-70 and take the exit for I-91 South. Travel through Leadville (I-91 becomes 24 South), then west onto Highway 82 over Independence Pass. Follow the signs for Highway 82/Main Street through downtown Aspen (Main Street takes several turns.) Leaving Aspen, enter the roundabout and take the Castle Creek Road exit. Then continue one-half mile to Music School Road on the left.

Parking and Transportation in Aspen

Personal Vehicles

Students are strongly encouraged to leave personal vehicles at home and use public transportation while in Aspen. There is no student parking on the Bucksbaum Campus and limited or no student parking at other AMFS venues. Aspen is a small, densely populated, tourist town. Traffic is heavy, parking is insufficient, and gasoline prices far exceed national averages.

Bus Service

The Roaring Fork Transit Authority (RFTA), rated the “Best Mass Transit System of North America,” offers free and convenient bus service between all AMFS venues and extends from the City of Aspen to Snowmass Village. More info at Bus schedules, along with tips specific to music students, are available at the Office of Student Services, on the AMFS Student Portal, and at the bus stops.

*Any issues relating to the RFTA bus services should be reported to Aspen Music Festival and School’s Main Reception at 970-925-3254.

Parking by Venue

Review the Parking Policy for information regarding violations and fines. 

  • Bucksbaum Campus – No student parking. Students with large instruments may receive a pass that will allow for instrument drop-off ONLY. Vehicles must then be relocated to the Marolt Ranch parking lot.
  • Michael Klein Music Tent and Harris Hall – Students may park in the Gillespie (front) lot only. Students with large instruments will be permitted drop-off privileges in the back lot. Vehicles must then be relocated to the front lot.
  • Marolt Ranch – Limited parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Burlingame – Extremely limited (approximately 20 spots) parking is available to students and distributed by lottery. Lot is gated. Gate-entry clickers are issued to lottery winners upon checking into housing.
  • Aspen Highlands – No parking available. Served by free RFTA bus.



Students are encouraged to bring bicycles to Aspen as their primary mode of transportation. The AMFS provides a limited number of bicycles (approximately 100) on a first-come, first-served basis for a nominal fee of $25. This is an especially great mode of transportation for those with small instruments. The Bike Purchase Form and Waiver will be re-announced and posted to your AMFS Student Portal in June.

WE-cycle, a bike-share system similar to systems in many major cities, will be offering free access to its bike-share network this summer. With over a dozen stations, including the Michael Klein Music Tent and Marolt Ranch, WE-cycle offers students an easy and convenient way to get around town. For more information visit

Students must purchase or bring their own lock and helmet. Students should ALWAYS wear a helmet when riding a bicycle and respect the health of our trees by chaining bikes ONLY to the bike racks provided. Bike racks can be found in various locations on the Bucksbaum Campus. On the Meadows property, racks are on the south end of the grounds near the bus stop and hospitality tent and also at the north end near the loading dock of Harris Hall. There are also bike racks at the residence halls.

Instrument Storage, Care, and Auxiliary Instruments


Large instrument storage is available in the Bucksbaum Building–Lower Studio Building (in the first room on the left as you enter the building from the South side). Space is very limited, therefore eligible large instruments include double bass, tuba, contrabassoon, and bass clarinet. Eligible students receive information about this benefit prior to the season. Interested students will sign a waiver and pay a $15 fee for an access code to a shared storage room. Large instrument storage is first-come, first served and space for every instrument is not guaranteed

All other students are expected to carry and transport their instruments to and from campus. Note that every size instrument can be accommodated via the free bus system. A limited number of small instrument (violin/viola) lockers are available in the Lower and Upper Studio Buildings. Locks are not provided. Students should not leave instruments unattended in practice rooms or elsewhere at any time.


A facility fee ($100 Full Session / $60 Half Session) will be charged to all students; it provides access to AMFS facilities and amenities, including practice space. 

  • Percussionists receive use of AMFS instruments and cartage between AMFS venues, as well as practice space.
  • Harpists receive cartage between AMFS venues, as well as practice space. Harpists are encouraged to bring their own instruments and are responsible for transporting them to and from Aspen. Those who do not bring their own instrument will be charged a $250 rental fee which will guarantee partial/shared use of a harp for the summer. Students will complete a questionnaire as part of their pre-registration process whereby they will be able to reserve and pay for the harp rental.

Percussionists and harpists will be contacted by their respective production crews at the beginning of the season with instructions regarding instrument moves, practice space, and storage.

Instrument Repair and Maintenance


Repair Services for String Instruments

See the All-School Directory (to be available in June) for Luthier contact information and hours of operation. The Luthier is available to help string players with instrument repair, adjustments, bow repairs, and offers strings and accessories for purchase. String players should review the String Instrument Care letter to prepare for travel to Aspen and the dry Colorado climate. 

Repair Services for Wind/Brass Instruments

Aside from the occasional visitor, there are no repair services regularly available in Aspen for wind/brass instruments. The AMFS does plan to have a service person in Aspen on occasion. Players are advised to bring supplies and tools with them.

Reed Room

Upper Studio Building, Room 205

A reed room with access to water nearby is available for reed work. Supplies and tools are not provided. Reservations are not required and students can use this room on a first-come, first-served basis.

Auxiliary Instruments


  • Flute:  All flute students will be expected to share the piccolo and alto flute responsibilities/opportunities at the AMFS. Students should bring their own piccolo and alto flute if they have one. Fellows are expected to bring their own instruments.
  • Oboe:  All oboe students will be expected to share the English horn responsibilities/opportunities at the AMFS. Students should bring their own English horn if they have one, as well as reeds and the equipment needed to make new English horn reeds. Bring a device for supporting the weight of the instrument, if needed. Fellows are expected to bring their own instruments.
  • Clarinet:  All clarinet students will be expected to share the B-flat, A, E-flat, and bass clarinet responsibilities/opportunities at the AMFS. Students should bring these instruments if they have them. Fellows are expected to bring their own instruments.
  • Bassoon: Not all bassoon students are expected to play contrabassoon; however, those who have the ability will be given opportunities. Those who own the instrument should bring it to Aspen. Fellows are expected to bring their own instruments.
  • Aspen Contemporary Ensemble:  The ACE flute fellow is expected to bring an alto flute and a piccolo. The ACE clarinet fellow is expected to bring an E-flat and bass clarinet.
  • Euphonium: The recipient of the euphonium scholarship is expected to bring their instrument to Aspen.


Once you receive your orchestra assignments from either the General Manager or an Orchestra Manager, please read them carefully to determine whether you will require an AMFS auxiliary instrument. If that is the case, please contact the Instrument Rental Operations Assistant (See the All-School Directory available in June) to schedule a pick-up time. Please pick up your instrument no later than two days prior to your first rehearsal. You must schedule your pick-up time during office hours: Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm. Please check in at the Front Desk of the Hardy Building at your scheduled pick-up time. During your appointment, you will be asked to sign an instrument check-out form. Please return the instrument no later than two days after your performance. 

Campus Facilities, Mail, Technology, and Libraries


225 Music School Road
970 925 3254 
Campus Hours: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm
Campus Map

The Bucksbaum Campus is located two miles outside of downtown Aspen and is served by the RFTA free bus system. The Campus comprises the following buildings:

  • Gordon Hardy Building – Main Reception, Student Mail Room, Office of Student Services, Operations, and Artistic Administration
  • Robert Harth Building – Campus Café, administrative and executive offices
  • Castle Creek Building – piano and strings classrooms, large ensemble space
  • Edlis Neeson Hall – rehearsal and small performance venue
  • Scanlan Hall – rehearsal and small performance venue
  • Hurst Hall – rehearsal and small performance venue
  • Bucksbaum (Lower Studio) Building – primarily strings and woodwind studios as well as the composition studio and student computer lab
  • Upper Studio Building – primarily AOTVA and brass studios, Friedman Atrium
  • Music Library – student orchestra music, chamber music, and solo repertoire
  • Harry Teague Pavilion – studio and meeting space
  • Betty A. Schermer Percussion Building – percussion classes, lessons, and practice space
  • Practice Rooms: Open 8:00 am–10:00 pm
  • Dana and Gene Powell Practice Rooms – 14 rooms with upright pianos; 11 rooms without pianos; 2 harp practice rooms without pianos
  • Martin and Ruth Carver Practice Rooms – 9 rooms with grand pianos; 2 rooms with upright pianos
  • Barbara and Jon Lee Practice Rooms – 8 rooms with grand pianos; 3 rooms with upright pianos
  • Becky and Mike Murray Practice Rooms – 17 rooms without pianos
  • Bike Shop – student bicycle pick-up and repair


The Student Mail Room is located on the basement level, back side (creek side) of the Hardy Building. See the All-School Directory (available in June) for hours of operation.

Student mail and packages sent via U.S. Postal Service should be addressed as follows:

Student's Name
AMFS Student
P.O. Box 8284
Aspen, CO 81612

Student packages sent by any service other than USPS (like FedEx or UPS) should be addressed as follows:

Student’s Name
AMFS Student
225 Music School Road
Aspen, CO 81611

Aspen is an isolated mountain town, therefore students should expect delays and plan ahead with mail and package delivery, including services like Amazon Prime. Students will receive an email from the Student Mail Room notifying them when they have items to collect. Due to delivery and processing delays please do not call or visit the Student Mail Room until that notification is received

Students may send large packages (linens, bicycles, etc.) in advance of their arrival but to arrive no earlier than June 15. Packages may be collected beginning Wednesday, June 25.

Don’t forget to submit a forwarding address with the U.S. Postal Service (can be done online) upon departure from Aspen.


Cell Phone Coverage

Aspen is a small mountain town where cell phone coverage can be limited. Depending on the carrier, cell phone service can be spotty on the Bucksbaum Campus, at the Michael Klein Music Tent/Harris Concert Hall, and the residence halls. Cell service works well in town and surrounding areas. Verizon Wireless provides the best coverage in the Aspen area. Telephones and land line service are not provided in the residence halls.


Aspen is a small mountain town where wifi coverage can be limited. The AMFS provides Wi-Fi in the residence halls and on the Bucksbaum Campus for the purpose of checking email, booking practice room space, and light browsing. Network and password details are provided upon arrival in Aspen. Students interested in a more sophisticated service at their residence hall may purchase private service through a local provider at their own expense.

Students experiencing issues with Wi-Fi on the Bucksbaum Campus or at the residence halls should email the IT Department at stating the specific area (i.e. Burlingame 105) that is lacking service. Contact information for the IT Department can be found in the All-School Directory (available in June).

Computer Lab

The Computer Lab is located in the Paterson Commons in the Bucksbaum Building (Lower School Building). See the All-School Directory (available in June) for hours of operation.

The AMFS is pleased to provide students with access to computers and internet. The Computer Lab has several desktop computers as well as an area to access power and Wi-Fi on personal laptops. Scanning, black and white printing, and limited copying are available. The Computer Lab will open on a limited basis from Registration through Convocation Day and will be open for normal business hours starting the day after Convocation through the Friday of the final week (week eight).

Computer Lab Policies:

  • No food or drinks around the computers.
  • Limit sessions to twenty minutes during periods when others are waiting.
  • Limit print jobs to a maximum of 20 double-sided pages in black and white. No complex graphics or photographs.
  • Scanning and copying of sheet music is not allowed due to copyright.
  • Keep the lab clean by disposing of personal garbage and pushing in chairs.
  • Respect the equipment. Due to limited resources, equipment that is damaged or destroyed will not be replaced.
  • Do not ask the scheduler, office manager, or anyone working outside the lab for computer or printing assistance. If there is a problem, please speak with the Computer Lab monitor on duty.

Student Services Computer Station

A desktop computer station will be set up outside the Office of Student Services in the Hardy Building. Students may use this computer station to access email and complete forms on the AMFS Student Portal. The Student Services computer station can be accessed during Student Services office hours.

  • No food or drinks around the computer.
  • Do not congregate at the computer station.
  • Limit sessions to fifteen minutes or less when others are waiting.
  • Scanning and copying of sheet music is not allowed due to copyright.

Music Library and Policies

The AMFS has two libraries—one located at the Bucksbaum Campus and another at the Michael Klein Music Tent. See the All-School Directory (available in June) for hours of operation.


Pick up music for:

  • Aspen Festival Orchestra (AFO)
  • Aspen Chamber Symphony (ACS)



Pick up music for:

  • Aspen Conducting Academy Orchestra (ACA)
  • Aspen Opera Theater (AOTVA)
  • Percussion Ensemble
  • Fourth of July Band
  • Chamber music
  • Aspen Contemporary Ensemble (ACE)
  • Solo repertoire
  • Miniature orchestral scores
  • Piano repertoire
  • Vocal repertoire



Orchestra parts:

Before going to the appropriate library to pick up music, make sure to know:

  • Which orchestra you are in;
  • What your part assignment is;
  • What piece(s) you are playing, and;
  • When your first rehearsal is.

To check out music, students must sign for it with the understanding that it is a borrowed part and should be taken care of appropriately. WBPH and outside string players are issued original parts. Inside string players have the option of sharing music with their stand partner or requesting a practice copy from their librarian.

Bucksbaum Campus Library pick-up will be at the library window.

At Rehearsals

Students should pick up their music before the first rehearsal and must remember to bring it to rehearsal. Students are required to collect their parts as soon as they are made available. In general, it is expected that students will pick up their parts one week before the first rehearsal. Repeat failure to pick up parts one week before the first rehearsal may result in a disciplinary meeting with the Dean of Students.

Students must remember to bring their parts to rehearsals and performances. If music is not picked up in advance, it will be on the stand 30 minutes before the first rehearsal. The black folders used for all ensembles must not be taken from rehearsals or concerts. Parts may also be left after rehearsal, but please leave them in a closed folder on the stand.

At Concerts

Please leave all music and folders on the stand after the performance. Any music not picked up by the librarian immediately after the concert is subject to a fine of $1 per part, per day. Replacement costs for parts not turned in range from $25–$75 or more.

Individual Part Requests

If a student would like to look at an orchestral part for an audition, or just for fun, they should contact the ACA/Chamber Music Librarian. The AMFS orchestral catalog has over 1,650 titles. To request a part, students must send an email (requests of up to three parts at a time are permitted) and allow at least three days for the parts to be prepared. Copying of music is not allowed due to copyright policies. The copy machine in the library is not available for student use.

Checking Out Scores and Non-Orchestral Music

The library maintains a circulation of score, chamber music, solo music, vocal music, and books. It functions like an academic or public library, so students may peruse the collection. The online catalog can be found at

  • Students must present their AMFS Student ID to borrow items.
  • No more than three items on loan at a time.
  • All student library loans are for two weeks.
  • Items may be renewed if there is no “hold request” for the item.
  • A student borrowing ensemble chamber music will be held responsible for all parts and folders.
  • A student checking out ensemble music must take all parts at the time of check-out. Parts cannot be left at the library for another group member.

Hold Requests

  • Students may place a hold on a checked-out item and will be contacted when the item is returned. One held item is permitted at any given time.
  • Students will then have 24 hours to pick up the request before the item is returned to circulation.
  • Hold request items are NOT renewable.

Returning Items/Overdue Items

  • An overdue fine of $0.25 per day per item will be charged for all late returns.
  • Items MUST be returned during hours of operation. Students who leave materials by the door, or slide them under while the library is closed, will be fined $2.00 in addition to any overdue fines.
  • Items will NOT be checked-in unless ALL parts are in the folder.
  • In the event of an incomplete return, the borrower will be charged for a complete set of new parts, plus $15 to cover processing costs.

Library materials will not be available for use after the last Wednesday of the season (week eight).


A link to digital practice parts will be circulated with each roster. This link will stay consistent throughout the summer. Watermarked materials will remain available on Dropbox and be removed post-performance. These materials are for practice only, performance parts can be obtained from the library 10 days before the first service. In Dropbox, your ensembles subfolders will indicate what digital parts are available, ex. (Not Uploaded or FS+WBPH Only). If no indicator is present, all digital materials are available for that week. Visit your AMFS Student Portal for a link to the practice parts Dropbox.  


Practice parts for AOTVA will become available starting mid-May on a rolling basis. Information will be communicated through the AOTVA librarians. Visit your AMFS Student Portal for a link to the AOTVA practice parts Dropbox.  


All AMFS participants will have access to nkoda, the largest digital library of sheet music. Registration must be done on Bucksbaum Campus and can be accessed anywhere after that. 

Performance Venues

Aspen Meadows

The Aspen Meadows property in Aspen’s West End houses the main AMFS performance venues. 

Backstage Policy: The backstage areas of the Klein Music Tent and Harris Concert Hall are closed to the public and to non-performing students. Only performing students are permitted in backstage areas for their respective performances.

Michael Klein Music Tent

930 North Third Street, Aspen

Opened in 2000, the 2,050 seat Michael Klein Music Tent is the AMFS’s primary performance venue. The Tent also houses the Aspen Festival Orchestra and Aspen Chamber Symphony libraries and the Meadows Production Office.

Joan and Irving Harris Concert Hall

960 North Third Street, Aspen

Harris Concert Hall is adjacent to the Michael Klein Music Tent. Opened in 1993, this 500-seat hall provides a more intimate and acoustically pristine venue for chamber music performances and recitals. Harris Hall is host to various recitals, chamber music concerts, and the Spotlight recital series.

Other Venues

Wheeler Opera House

320 East Hyman Avenue, Aspen

When attending a performance at the Wheeler Opera House, please keep the following policies in mind and plan accordingly.

  • Please enter through the Box Office.
  • Only small personal items, such as a purse or small bag are permitted into the venue.
    • Instruments are not permitted in the theater or the coat check.
    • The Wheeler Opera House is not responsible for lost/stolen items.
  • Please adhere to all patron policies:
    • No outside food or drink 
    • No photography or recording.
    • If you arrive late, please check with a house manager as to the appropriate Late Seating opportunity.

Anderson Ranch Arts Center

5263 Owl Creek Rd, Snowmass Village

Aspen Art Museum

637 East Hyman Avenue, Aspen

Aspen Center For Physics

700 Gillespie Avenue, Aspen

Aspen Chapel

77 Meadowood Dr, Aspen

Aspen Community Church

200 East Bleeker Street, Aspen

Basalt Regional Library

14 Midland Avenue, Basalt

Hotel Jerome

330 E Main Street, Aspen

Paepcke Auditorium

100 North Third Street, Aspen (behind the Tent)

Pitkin County Library

120 North Mill Street, Aspen (corner of Mill and Main)

Whitcomb Terrace

275 Castle Creek Rd, Aspen

Box Office and Student/Family Tickets

See the All-School Directory (available in June) for Box Office locations and hours of operation.

Student Tickets

Subject to availability, students are entitled to one ticket to each performance (excluding operas at the Wheeler Opera House, benefits, collaborations, house music events, and special events) for their own use only, with presentation of student ID. Free events do not require a ticket.

  • Tickets for Michael Klein Music Tent events can be obtained at the Harris Hall Box Office or Main Reception Desk at the Bucksbaum Campus on the day of an event. Starting one hour prior to Tent events, tickets will be dispersed at the “Fish Bowl” (the exterior-facing window by the left-most doors entering Harris Hall).
  • Tickets for Harris Hall events are available one hour prior to start time at the Harris Hall "Fish Bowl" only.
  • Tickets for Opera Encounters can be collected at the Wheeler Opera House Box Office one hour prior to the event.

Unless designated as General Admission, seating is assigned for all performances. Students must sit in the seat indicated on their ticket, as sitting in other seats causes disruption for other patrons.

Students performing in a portion of a performance are required to have a ticket if they wish to watch the remainder of the concert. 

Students may pay a $15 validation fee for advance ticketing for any event they are eligible to attend. Excluded events may be purchased at full price.

Tickets for Parents of Underage Students

The parents/guardians of students under age 18, who are in residence with their underage students in Aspen, are entitled to one ticket to each performance (excluding operas at the Wheeler Opera House, benefits, collaborations, house music events, and special events) for their own use only. The Office of Student Services will provide parent/guardian names listed on the Underage Student Agreement to the Box Office. To obtain tickets, parents/guardians must go to the Box Office starting one hour prior to Harris Hall and Wheeler Opera House events, or the Main Reception Desk at the Bucksbaum Campus or Harris Hall Box Office on the day of a Tent event and present their name and their student’s name.

Tickets for Friends and Family

Students may request up to a total of two complimentary tickets for the season for visiting family or significant others to regular events (excluding operas at the Wheeler Opera House, benefits, collaborations, house music events, or special events). To request complimentary tickets, students should submit the Complimentary Ticket Request form located on their AMFS Student Portal no later than 10 am on the day of the event. The Complimentary Ticket Request form will become available on the AMFS Student Portal mid-June. Requests will be granted based on availability.

Aspen Opera Theater and VocalARTS singers performing in the individual operas are allowed one or two guests to the final dress rehearsal. Requests should be made directly to the AOTVA Company Manager.

Classes and Performance Opportunities

  • AMFS official tuning is A = 441 
  • The backstage areas of the Michael Klein Music Tent and Harris Concert Hall are closed to the public and to non-performing students. Only performing students are permitted in backstage areas for their respective performances.
  • Due to schedule and staffing limitations, Harris Concert Hall cannot be reserved for students or faculty for the purpose of ad hoc recording or performances. 

Students in all programs can attend a wide variety of performances, master classes, lectures, and panels. Students can also become involved in community engagement activities—both teaching and performing opportunities are available. Each instrumental department conducts weekly studio and repertoire classes. A variety of solo and chamber music performance opportunities are available. For most opportunities, students must submit an application form with teacher approval. More information, as well as applications, will be available through the AMFS Student Portal and upon arrival in Aspen.

See the AMFS Season Calendar for specific dates, times, and locations of public events.


Harris Hall Master Classes  

Many of the world-renowned artists that visit Aspen in the summer present public master classes in Harris Concert Hall. Each respective teaching artist is responsible for choosing the participants for their master class. Applications are available through your AMFS Student Portal and will be sent to Aspen Teachers for approval. In most cases, applications are due 10 days prior to the class date. See the application form for teaching artists, deadlines, and class dates. 

Campus Classes 

Exchange musical ideas with AMFS Artist-Faculty and Visiting Faculty from all the major music schools and conservatories across the country! Most departments conduct weekly studio, repertoire, or master classes on the Bucksbaum Campus. See the Class and Non-Orchestral Performance Schedule (available electronically through the AMFS Student Portal in June) for a complete listing of classes. Classes are scheduled within two weekly class blocks devoid of conflicts. Students should plan to take full advantage of the classes offered and should not schedule other conflicting activities.


Concerto Competitions 

For the 2025 season Piano, Violin, Low Strings, Woodwinds, and Brass, and Harp students can compete for the chance to perform as soloist with the Aspen Conducting Academy Orchestra in the Michael Klein Music Tent or another public performance opportunity in Aspen. Competition pieces, concert dates, deadlines, and participation rules are available on the AMFS Student Portal. Application forms are due by the published date and must be submitted through your AMFS Student Portal. Applications will be sent to Aspen teachers for approval.  

Dorothy DeLay Fellowship Audition 

Each summer season, exceptional violin students can audition for the prestigious Dorothy DeLay Fellowship. Applicants can only be nominated to audition by their teachers. The VP and Dean of Students will solicit nominations in early June. This award carries with it the invitation to return on fellowship for the subsequent season and solo with orchestra.



Spotlight Recitals are a setting for students who wish to perform chamber and solo works at venues including Harris Concert Hall, Aspen Chapel, Aspen Community Church, and Pitkin County Library. Students who are placed in chamber music will receive a preassigned performance date on this series. Those preparing solo projects or ad hoc chamber music projects may apply for a performance date by submitting a Spotlight Recital Application through their AMFS Student Portal. All applications will be sent to Aspen teachers for approval. Opportunities fill quickly in late summer so make sure to arrive at Aspen prepared to apply early. Students may apply multiple times, but priority will be given to those who have not yet performed on the series. See the application form for specific deadlines and recital dates. 


Outstanding string players will be nominated by members of the AMFS artist-faculty to perform at String Showcase Recitals, which are held weekly on the Bucksbaum Campus. Nomination forms can be found near the artist-faculty mailboxes in the Hardy Administration Building and should be completed and submitted only by AMFS artist-faculty. 


In addition to opportunities on the Spotlight Recital Series, orchestral students participating in brass chamber music have two dedicated recitals in Hurst Hall on the Bucksbaum Campus. 


Students in the Solo Piano program can apply to perform on the Physics Piano Recital series that takes place weekly at the Aspen Center for Physics. Students may apply to perform an entire piece or a single movement. Short works or single movements are preferred to allow performance opportunities to as many students as possible. The application is available through the AMFS Student Portal. All applications will be sent to Aspen teachers for approval. Performers will be selected by AMFS artist-faculty. Assignments and schedule details will be communicated by the Student Recitals Coordinator.  Recitals take place weekly on Mondays. See the application form for specific deadlines and recital dates. 


Students may be invited to perform on the Basalt Regional Library Recital series by the Office of Student Services. A shuttle will be arranged to transport student performers to and from the Bucksbaum Campus and Basalt. 


Aspen Chamber Music ensembles may be preassigned to perform on this recital series in downtown Aspen. Assignments and details will be communicated by the Chamber Music Coordinator. Additional Spotlight Recital applicants will be considered for performance at the Pitkin County Library dependent on availability. 


Several departmental programs will be invited by the Operations department to perform on this series hosted by the Aspen Art Museum at their trendy rooftop cafe in downtown Aspen.   


Singers, chamber music ensembles, and composers may be invited to perform in House Music concerts. These are ticketed events in private homes where performers get to hone their community engagement skills while meeting important supporters of the AMFS in spectacular settings. 


The Collaborative Piano program will offer two Sonata Showcases for instrumental ensembles in Hurst Hall on the Bucksbaum Campus. AMFS artist-faculty will pair students for these recitals. 



In addition to the mainstage opera productions and special projects, singers in the Aspen Opera Theater and VocalARTS program have performance opportunities as described below.  


Every Saturday from 10 am–12 pm, Aspen Opera Theater and VocalARTS singers will perform on the mainstage of the Wheeler Opera House in Opera Encounters, Art Song Recitals, or Composer Collaboration Project Recitals. These programs are prepared in the weeks prior to performance, then workshopped in front of an audience. Each program will have a theme and host, in addition to artist-faculty who will help prepare the performance.  


AOTVA singers will collaborate with AMFS collaborative pianists to present the Art Song Showcases in various Aspen venues. Each program will focus on art song, and music is prepared and rehearsed in the weeks prior to each performance. Assignments are determined based on Singer Repertoire Lists and any expressed interest during the enrollment process. Each group assigned to perform will receive 3-6 musical and dramatic coachings in the weeks leading up to each recital. There will be a dress rehearsal or sound check in the designated venue prior to each program.


Industry professionals will be invited to attend the July 26 performance of Così fan tutte and the August 19 performance of La Bohème. Students not featured as soloists in these performances will be invited to perform for visiting industry professionals on July 25 and August 18. Students will sign up for audition times with the Company Manager


These panel discussions and classes with professional artists will highlight important topics on the business of music. In 2024, plenary hosts included Nicholas McGegan, Will Liverman, Andy Einhorn, Karen Slack, and Christine Goerke.  


This yoga practice will be focused on best supporting the students’ artistry and experience at AMFS. It will blend a range of active yoga poses (asanas), breathwork (pranayama), meditation, Pilates, savasana, and more. Students will practice outdoors on the turf alongside the foxes and mountains, which adds a depth of peacefulness. Former participants name the stress-relieving aspects of practice, time spent focused on centering, and joy as some of the greatest benefits. AMFS supplies mats and all needed props. Yoga classes take place once a week on Wednesday mornings. 


Interested AOTVA singers may participate in this collaborative project with AMFS composers to create 10-minute opera scenes or song cycles. Explore the process of composing vocal music and leave Aspen with a piece custom written for their voice. Every group will coach with Renée Fleming, Patrick Summers, Christopher Theofanidis, and AOTVA’s senior coaching staff. Instructions about how to participate will be delivered in the spring.  

Student Work Opportunities

A wide range of work opportunities are available to students. They pay $11-15 per hour and are tax exempt. For more information on the student work experience, see our Frequently Asked Questions document.


Library Assistants

Learn about operations in a busy music library! Several library jobs (bowings, filing, and checking out music) are available at the Michael Klein Music Tent Library and the Bucksbaum Campus Library. Students may be able to take parts home to work in the comfort of their unit.


Ushers are needed throughout the summer at the Michael Klein Music Tent and Harris Hall. Many ushering opportunities will allow students to watch performances in-house. Students can also expect to assist with concert parking management. Interested students are required to attend a Front of House Orientation on Friday, June 27. RSVP required through the Student Work Application. 

Traffic Control & Parking Crew

Parking lot attendants are needed for AMFS events at the Michael Klein Music Tent and Harris Hall. This is a great way to enjoy beautiful Aspen weather and fresh air. Interested students are required to attend a Front of House Orientation on Friday, June 27. RSVP required through the Student Work Application. 

Mail Room Assistants

Several positions are available in the mail room, tracking and issuing mail and packages.

Computer Lab Monitors

The Paterson Commons Computer Lab in the Bucksbaum Building (lower school) needs several monitors for the summer.

Box Office

Support the patron experience and sell tickets to AMFS events at the Harris Hall Box Office.

Student Ambassador

Student Ambassadors will support the AMFS Development office through donor cultivation, and stewardship, including attendance at select contributor events. Select students will be asked to represent the AMFS to our donors through in-person contact, phone calls, and some fun video projects about student life. A short application is required in the Student Work Application, and will close after the first 40 applications are received. Students must be age 21 or older to apply for this position.

Babysitting and Pet-Sitting

Sign up to babysit or (pet-sit) for guest artists and faculty. Payment rate is arranged directly with the hiring party.


The AMFS offers private music instruction to interested children and adults in the Aspen area through the P.A.L.S. and Festival Lessons programs. Strong teachers with pedagogy / teaching experience are always needed. Payment rates are based on 30-minte or one-hour lessons. Teachers must be at least 19 years old by June 25, 2025. Interested students can apply to be a  P.A.L.S. / Festival Lessons teacher pre-season by completing an application through their AMFS Student Portal. The application will be available and announced by email in the Spring.  


Students interested in gigging in the valley or playing for educational events can apply for the Hire A Musician (HAM) program. Popular events include weddings, parties, and organized busking. Festival students are paid a standard rate, depending on the event type. Interested students can submit the Hire A Musician Performer Application through their AMFS Student Portal.

Paychecks and Other Financial Reimbursement

Students must present their AMFS ID to pick up their paychecks, stipend, or financial reimbursement check. Paychecks will not be issued to students with a balance due to the AMFS until it has been paid.

Paycheck and Reimbursement Distribution

Paycheck/Reimbursement Distribution Dates

Friday, July 11 Friday, July 25 Friday, August 8 Friday, August 22

Paychecks for work completed after Sunday of Week Seven (August 17) will be mailed by September 30.


Any overpayment of deposits, tuition, room & board, or fees will be reimbursed approximately one week after arrival in Aspen. Reimbursements will be refunded back to the original payment source (credit or debit card). The $100 Security Deposit will be refunded back to the original payment source after any necessary check out charges have been applied.

Fellowship and Stipend Distribution

Fellowship and Stipend Distribution Dates*

Full Session Half Session I Half Session II
July 4 July 4 August 1
July 25 July 25 August 22
August 22    

*Fellowship stipend checks will be evenly cut across the sessions’ distribution dates.

Check Deposits and Cashing in Aspen


Students are required to deposit or cash AMFS checks immediately. Mobile deposit is the easiest way to deposit AMFS checks.


Students may cash personal checks in the amount of $75 or less and student paychecks from the Aspen Music Festival and School in any amount at Alpine Bank (two locations). Alpine Bank requires fingerprinting, an AMFS ID, as well as a government-issued ID for a non-Alpine Bank customer to cash checks. They will not cash second party checks. Accepted forms of government-issued IDs include:

  • Current State Identification card with photo (includes Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands)
  • Current State Driver’s License with photo (includes Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands)
  • Current Permanent Resident/Resident Alien Card with photo
  • United States Uniformed Services card with photo
  • U.S. Passport card

Banks in Aspen


The following banks are located in Aspen. There is not a Bank of America location in Aspen.

  • Alpine Bank
  • American National Bank
  • Bank Midwest
  • Chase Bank 
  • First Colorado National Bank
  • Timberline Bank
  • United Western Bank
  • US Bank
  • Wells Fargo Bank

Program-Specific Manuals

Please visit your AMFS Student Portal to a complete listing of program-specific manuals

All-School Directory

The 2025 All-School Directory will be linked here and through your AMFS Student Portal in June.

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