AMFS Chamber Music


The Aspen Music Festival and School believes that chamber music plays a crucial role in the classical musician’s education. Working intimately in a small ensemble strengthens a musician’s ability to collaborate, blend sound, and learn one’s individual role in creating something beautiful.

Aspen students in the Orchestra/Instrumental, Solo Piano, and Collaborative Piano programs may apply to be placed in an ensemble and assigned to a special project. Students participate in intensive coaching and rehearsals in preparation for a Spotlight Recital performance. Groups may work intensively for two to three weeks or may work together for the entire session, depending on the complexity of the repertoire. A typical estimation of the commitment might be 16 services (rehearsals and coachings) over a three-week period. Coaches are experts from the AMFS artist-faculty roster. High-level emerging groups may apply for performance class opportunities with guest artist chamber music specialists.

Placement: In April, students may apply to be placed in chamber music through their AMFS Student Portal. Chamber Music applications are due by April 29 for placement consideration.

Orchestra students are assigned to ensembles comprising members from the same orchestra. Students under the age of 18 are assigned with peers of their age and ability. Pianists are assigned according to age and ability as well. Students approved for a late arrival prior to the on-time completion of the chamber music application may still be considered for chamber music placement. However, placement in an ensemble is not guaranteed.

Please note that chamber music is not available to half session winds, brass, percussion, and harp students. Students who choose to form their own groups are welcome to rehearse at their leisure but will not be assigned coaches and/or performance opportunities.